We understand that your free time is valuable. Our small group sessions allow you to cover the same information that would take weeks in larger groups.
Small classes providing comprehensive information on Childbirth with an emphasis on the reality of birth in NYC:
- How your body prepares for labor and how to recognize the signs of labor
- The stages of labor - what to expect at each stage
- Timing contractions and when to go to hospital or birthing center
- What to expect when you arrive at the hospital or birthing center
- Natural Coping techniques (Breathing, Massage, Hydrotherapy, etc.)
- Monitoring
- Pain Medication Options
- Induction
- Cesarean Delivery
- Tips for Partners
- Tips on the best way to travel in NYC during labor!
Our aim is to present labor as a normal bodily process and provide you with the most comprehensive information for a fulfilling birthing experience. We strive to help you determine which options are right for you; whether it's opting for an epidural, utilizing non-medical techniques, or a combination of both. We offer unbiased, evidence-based information on the reality of giving birth in NYC.
All instructors are certified childbirth educators and have attended births at all of the major NYC Hospitals and Birth Centers. We use a combination of slide and video clips to help illustrate various aspects of birth. Our video clips do depict birth situations but they are not graphic in nature.
Class Details: IN PERSON small groups
Childbirth Preparation format - Two (2) 3-hr sessions OR One (1) fullday class
When to take: Any time in your third trimester.
Price: $475 for up to two attendees
For Schedule and Registration : Click Here